Emperor and INFINI 8 have joined forces to create a significant impact in the high-end home building industry by launching the new ultimate house building service that combines experience and innovation called
" HOME-X "


INFINI 8 expertise is to establish the design and turn it into reality. With the construction mastery of The Emperor House

There are no longer any document-related issues. Personal Datavault keeps all of your important documents and information in a user-friendly interface that is easily accessible.
It features a sophisticated security system that restricts access to just those who are permitted. There is also a facility that allows you to monitor the project's progress in real time, 24 hours a day.

DesTech is a combination of design and technology that assisting you to see the dimensions of all designs with your own eyes. As well as, being the essential factor of work time reduction owing to the ability to make client, architect, interior designer, and builders understand the same project direction.
Furthermore, outstanding design with great flexibility that can be customized to your lifestyle. Make your house a reflection of your individuality and achievement.